Research schools
At the Faculty of Medicine there are several research schools, making it possible for you to increase your knowledge within a certain field. Some of the research schools may be joint ventures between the faculty and other organisations. (The links below go to other websites.)
Research school at the doctoral programme
As a PhD student here, you are automatically admitted to the Faculty of Medicine's main research school. Read more at the link below:
Research School of Medical Science
Ageing and health
National graduate school on ageing and health
ATMP (advanced therapies)
The National ATMP Research School
CARES – Cancer Research South School
Computing and digital tools
COMPUTE – scientific discovery using computing
Infection and antibiotics
NDPIA - The National Doctoral Programme in Infection and Antibiotics
Molecular medicine
WCMM - Wallenberg Centre research school
Lund University Neuroscience Graduate School
Stem cell biology
Research School in Stem Cell Biology